Rezensionen zu: Corepad Skatez PRO Darmoshark M3 / Darmoshark M3 4K / FinalMouse Ultralight Pro / Phantom / Sunset / Scream One / Tournament Pro / Air58 Ninja

    3 von 5 Sternen!
    Mittwoch, 24. April 2019
    Mouse skatez are pretty good decent for the price but after a month of use it wore down pretty quick and started to scratch my mousepad more than the stock skates itself
    Overall they are great when they first come but something should be sorted with overall build of it and maybe make it more durable and I highly recommend making it a bit thicker to avoid the scratching issue in the future
    Corepad Skatez PRO Darmoshark M3 / Darmoshark M3 4K / FinalMouse Ultralight Pro / Phantom / Sunset / Scream One / Tournament Pro / Air58 Ninja