Rezensionen zu: Corepad Skatez PRO Logitech G304 / Logitech G305

    5 von 5 Sternen!
    Dienstag, 1. Januar 2019
    The skates are very good. They are slick on the mat (I\'m using a Logitech clothpad) looks awesome and the best part according to me, you can see through them just so the screwholes becomes visible. This makes it easier for you, if you want to, create a hole in them to access the screws and open the mouse up any time you need to fix anything inside. Overall, I give this product the best possible rating.

    (Initially I had a problem with the skate furthest to the back (the round one) but after contacting the support about the issue they helped me with everything and replaced my product)
    Corepad Skatez PRO Logitech G304 / Logitech G305