Rezensionen zu: Corepad Skatez PRO Delux M800 Series

    2 von 5 Sternen!
    Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2022
    I HONESTLY wanted to be a believer, but I do not really feel any performance gain, nothing drastic as some youtubers proclaim anyway which leads me to believe some might be sponsored?\r\n\r\nIf I can find any positive maybe I would say the mouse became more controllable but by the most by 15% which is not something significant and quite negligible.. controllable as in perhaps the swing and stopping at the point you want on FPS games.\r\n\r\nbut the biggest reason why I would not give it any stars higher, I am not sure why, is it the pads/feets sticky portion being thinner on one side, or the PADS itself are of unequal thickness, after putting them on, top part of bottom of mouse one and bottom part of mouse another, the bottom/lower feets just seems to be that bit thinner, maybe 0.05mm, which sounds like nothing but my mouse just seems to sit or at least feel lower at the palm already when resting flat now.. so it might be the most problem ? that cannot be, because there wasn\'t this height issue on the original feets, and I used at least 5 more alcohol wipes aside to the two provided by core pads so its wiped completely clean and nicely flat before applying...\r\n\r\nso perhaps one pads is thinner than the other slightly.. which is... disappointing..? maybe not enough QC.\r\n\r\nAll in all, I am not saying its a bad product, maybe I just got a bad batch, but for my experience and at that price range of about EUR14 or USD20, i really expected better.. way better. first no quality issues, and 2nd a BIGGER difference from the stock mice feets.
    Corepad Skatez PRO Delux M800 Series